Jury Verdict


Settlement Amount: $500,000.00
Settlement Date: 1/2013
Attorney: Howard D. Mishkind

Description of Case: 63-old woman admitted to hospital with back pain. Plaintiff had a condition known as ITP (Idiopathic Thrombocytopenia purpura) and had recently finished treatment with steroids. ITP is a bleeding disorder in which the immune system destroys platelets, which are necessary for normal blood clotting. Purpura is a condition associated with small bruise-like markings on the body. ITP is diagnosed by history, physical exam and blood counts. When this condition is diagnosed, it increases the patient’s risk of bleeding. She was at increased risk of infection as well due to her recent treatment for this condition. Blood work done upon admission to the hospital showed signs of infection but treatment was delayed. Patient developed septic shock and multi-system organ failure and died. She was survived by her adult daughters. No loss of income claimed. The case was settled prior to trial after a medication conference was held.

Court: Withheld