Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer in Cleveland, OH

spinal cord injury lawyer Cleveland OH

A spinal cord injury lawyer in Cleveland, Ohio can help you get the compensation you deserve for your life-changing injuries – and more importantly, they can help you reach a new normal and live your life to the fullest.

Any personal injury is disruptive. When we set out on our morning commute, we don’t expect to get injured in a car accident. When we clock in for work today, we don’t think about how much of a pain it will be to file for workers’ compensation. People don’t plan for personal injuries, and sometimes they’re completely out of their control. But whatever the cause, an injury comes with challenges.

If you’ve experienced an injury, you’ll need to commit time to recovery. You’ll need to pay medical bills and you’ll miss out on valuable paychecks. This would weigh heavily on anyone, and after an accident, most people are desperate for money so they can pay off whatever they owe so they can just get back to normal.

But what happens if there’s no possibility of getting back to normal? What happens if there is no chance of making a full recovery? And how can you get back to work if you’ve suddenly experienced a permanent and life-altering injury?

A spinal cord injury is a catastrophic injury.

In terms of personal injury, a catastrophic injury is totally different. Unlike broken bones from a car accident or carpal tunnel from an improperly planned workspace, a catastrophic injury means permanent, life-changing damage. And that’s exactly what you could call any injury to your spinal cord. As a spinal cord injury lawyer in Cleveland, OH, can point out, there’s very little chance of going back to normal. But it doesn’t mean you should lose hope.

The challenges of overcoming a spinal cord injury are immense: You’ll have to relearn how to carry out basic tasks, and you’ll have to adapt yourself to a new lifestyle that was forced on you because of someone else’s negligence. Because of the severity of a spinal cord injury, you should never hesitate to seek out compensation. Fortunately, Mishkind Kulwicki Law Co., L.P.A. is here to help you get the money you deserve so you can live the best life possible.

A spinal cord injury lawyer in Cleveland, OH from Mishkind Kulwicki Law Co., L.P.A. understands how serious damage to the spinal cord is for the human body and mind. We have witnessed the tragic effects of injury to the spinal cord, and by taking action, we can assist victims in recovering the restitution they need to recover and/or adjust to a new way of living.

Whether your injury was caused by a car crash, slip, and fall, medical malpractice, or another injury incident, you can rest assured that we have your best interest in mind at all times. Your health and wellness comes first, and we are not afraid to fight aggressively for our clients. Here are a few examples of scenarios where a spinal cord injury can happen:

Car Accidents

If you have a spinal cord injury because another driver was mostly at-fault for an accident, then you may be able to seek compensation for your damages and losses. Most cases will be handled in the perspective of proving negligence. For instance, a spinal cord injury lawyer Cleveland, Ohio will have to prove that four elements of the car accident were true:

  • The defendant owed a duty of care to you
  • This duty of care was breached
  • An injury resulted in the breach
  • The breach was a direct cause for the injury

Medical Malpractice

A spinal cord injury that was caused by a doctor or other medical health professional may be considered medical malpractice. To be successful in the case, your lawyer has to show that another doctor in a similar situation with equivalent experience would have not committed the same mistake your doctor had. Perhaps the surgeon had gotten distracted during surgery and hit a different part on the spinal cord. Maybe they had noticed the mistakes and thought it wasn’t a big deal, or they knew what they had done and are now trying to avoid liability for it.

Product Liability

If there was a malfunction or defect in a product, and you were using it in the way it was intended, then you could have grounds for a product liability lawsuit. Let’s say you got into an accident with another car, and found out that a flaw in the engine or brakes had contributed to the crash. With help from your lawyer, you may be able to win restitution by taking the company to court.

Contact Mishkind Kulwicki Law Co., L.P.A. today.

A spinal cord injury can seem like the end of the world, but it doesn’t have to be. There are many resources available so you can learn how to relive your life and continue living as well as possible after your accident. If you’ve experienced a spinal cord injury, you don’t need to give up hope. Instead, reach out to a qualified spinal cord injury lawyer who can help you get much-needed monetary compensation.

As with personal injury claims, a lawyer can determine who is responsible for your catastrophic injury. They can work closely with you to put together all the pieces of your case, and they can help you pursue maximum compensation to offset your injury. While no amount of money can ever fully make up for your spinal cord injury, it can help you move on and live comfortably with all the care and resources you deserve.

Don’t give up: Contact Mishkind Kulwicki Law Co., L.P.A. today, and see how a spinal cord injury lawyer in Cleveland, OH, can help you rebuild your tomorrow.

The Price of Freedom for Spinal Cord Injury Victims

There are two types of spinal cord injuries, complete and incomplete. A complete injury results in total loss of function below the level of injury. A person with an incomplete injury can have sensation and movement below the level of injury. Both types require copious amounts of rehabilitation post-injury. The amount of recovery varies from person to person, but the loss of mobility on any level can be devastating. A dedicated spinal cord injury lawyer in Cleveland OH can help victims get on a path to recovery by fighting to help them get the reward they will need for the road ahead.

A person’s insurance policy typically will cover the hospital and the cost of rehabilitation. However, what many do not know is insurance companies limit certain items such as durable medical equipment and only cover the minimal amount necessary. The cost of caring for someone with a spinal cord injury can add up to thousands of dollars in out-of-pocket expenses. Contact a spinal cord injury lawyer in Cleveland OH at the Mishkind Kulwicki Law offices if you have suffered a spinal cord injury due to an accident. Here is a list of items you may need once you return home from the rehabilitation hospital.

Reclining Shower Chair

A reclining shower chair is necessary for a person with a spinal cord injury who cannot control upper body movement. This type of chair can cost around $2,000 and is not a covered benefit in most insurance policies.

Wheelchair-Accessible van

Many victims of spinal cord injuries reach a level of recovery that will allow them to drive an accessible van. These vans are customized to fit the driver. Accessible vans can start around $30,000 for a used vehicle and $80,000 or more for a new one.

Exercise Equipment

A standing frame is a device used to help wheelchair dependents stand. Some physical therapists will suggest purchasing a standing frame to help with lung expansion, strengthen the lower extremities, and help with a bowel program. A standing frame can cost around $5,000 or more.

Ongoing Therapy

Spinal cord injury victims benefit from ongoing therapy to help with mobility and pain reduction. Bodies need movement, and when left still for prolonged periods, the muscles will shrink and cause pain in the joints. Most insurance companies do not cover ongoing physical therapy.

Victims who have suffered a spinal cord injury due to an accident can benefit from legal help to access the settlement they deserve. Contact an experienced spinal cord injury lawyer in Cleveland OH at Mishkind Kulwicki Law for help.

4 Steps to Take When Dealing With a Spinal Cord Injury

A spinal cord injury can happen to anyone. In many instances, this type of injury is severe and can cause significant and sometimes irreparable damage. However, some spinal cord injuries can be relatively minor and may not require surgery or long-term care. Regardless of the level of severity, all spinal cord injuries should be taken very seriously to prevent unnecessary complications. Mishkind Kulwicki Law is here to help spinal cord injury victims.

1. Seek Immediate Professional Medical Care

Whether you’ve been in an automobile accident or had a serious fall, your health and safety are the first priority. It can be overwhelming in the aftermath to know what to do first. Before you do anything else, seek medical care immediately. Acting quickly can help reduce damage and may even give patients a good chance for a better outcome. Even if you suspect only a minor injury, it is important to have a potential spinal cord injury evaluated, as symptoms and complications could arise later.

2. Contact a Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer in Cleveland, OH

Dealing with major injuries can be expensive. You can expect pricey office or hospital visits, along with X-rays and other potential diagnostic tests. Medication, rehabilitation programs, therapy, and surgery may also be required. However, medical expenses aren’t the only costs you may have to face; making adjustments to your home, dealing with lost income or job changes, and paying for personal assistance or home care can also lead to crippling debt for many people. A good spinal cord injury lawyer in Cleveland, OH can help you get the compensation you need to manage these financial demands.

3. Get Support for the Changes This Injury Can Bring

The team at Mishkind Kulwicki Law understands that dealing with any type of accident or injury can be traumatic and stressful for most people. The physical pain, financial stress, and loss of quality of life can also take a toll and lead to depression and anxiety. It is important for accident victims to seek help from a mental health professional. This type of therapy or counseling can help people deal with the overwhelming emotions and changes that a spinal cord injury can lead to.

4. Follow Your Doctor’s Recommendations for Long-Term Care

Every spinal cord injury is different. The body is capable of healing itself in some cases, but these types of injuries often take longer than others for sufficient repair and restored function. When recovery is possible, it may take 18 months or longer to experience results. Stay committed to your doctor’s plans for long-term recovery. Sticking with daily tasks and exercises, taking any medication as recommended, and keeping your therapy and medical appointments are all essential for recovery.

Frequently Asked Questions About Spinal Cord Injuries

If you’re living with a spinal cord injury, it’s normal to have questions about your condition. Here at Mishkind Kulwicki Law Co., L.P.A., we would love to sit down and talk with you about your spinal cord injury and help you decide whether you need a spinal cord injury lawyer in Cleveland, OH. In the meantime, here is a list we have compiled of some of the most common questions about spinal cord injuries, and their answers.

Question: What Is a Spinal Cord Injury?

A spinal cord injury is an injury involving the spinal cord that results in loss of feeling and/or mobility in one or more parts of the body. The spinal cord extends from approximately the waist up to the base of the brain and is around 18 inches long.

Question: What Are the Differences Between a Complete and Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury?

Spinal cord injuries are divided into two categories: complete and incomplete. In the case of a complete SCI, there is no voluntary movement or sensation below the site of injury. An incomplete SCI, on the other hand, means there is some movement and/or sensation below the injury site. Whether you have complete or incomplete SCI, hiring a spinal cord injury lawyer in Cleveland, OH, may help you get the compensation you deserve. Here at Mishkind Kulwicki Law Co., L.P.A., we understand the differences between complete and incomplete spinal cord injuries and how they can impact you.  

Question: What Are the Possible Effects of a Spinal Cord Injury?

The effects of a spinal cord injury can be quite varied, depending on the degree and type of injury. Potential effects of spinal cord injuries include loss of function in the legs and arms (also known as tetraplegia), loss of function in the lower half of the body, including at least some of the trunk (also known as paraplegia), osteoporosis (breakdown of bone), sexual dysfunction, spasticity (involuntary muscle contractions triggered by disruptions between the muscles and the brain), and loss of bowel and/or bladder control.

Question: What Is the Expected Recovery Outlook for Someone With a Spinal Cord Injury?

Currently, there is no known way to fully restore bodily function after an SCI. However, that does not mean there is no hope for recovery or restoration of at least some function. People who have incomplete SCI are more likely to see improvements in bodily function than people with complete SCI. But in either case, we encourage you to talk with a spinal cord injury lawyer in Cleveland, OH, to potentially provide you with the compensation you need to get the best treatment for your condition.

Long-term Effects of Spinal Cord Injuries

A spinal cord injury is one of the most serious and life-changing injuries a person can endure. Many spinal cord injury victims suffer from medical complications for the rest of their lives. Here are some of the long-term effects of spinal cord injuries.

  • Paralysis. For many people, spinal cord injuries result in paralysis. The spinal cord controls movement by sending signals to the brain, so paralysis can impact any part of the body that falls below the point of the injury. There are several types of paralysis. For example, if you suffer high tetraplegia, you won’t be able to move from the neck down. You will need help to breathe, move around and control your bladder and bowel movements.
  • Infections. Spinal cord injury victims are also more susceptible to infections, such as pneumonia and bladder infections.
  • Osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a health condition that causes bones to weaken. People with osteoporosis are more likely to suffer fractures. While this condition usually affects elderly people, it is also prevalent among those who have suffered a spinal cord injury.
  • Circulatory control. As a spinal cord injury lawyer in Cleveland, OH can confirm, spinal cord injuries can also lead to circulatory problems in some people. Circulation problems can increase the risk of blood clots and high blood pressure.
  • Weight gain. A spinal cord injury can result in very little mobility, so you will have trouble staying physically active. Minimal physical activity can lead to obesity, which can increase your risk of various health conditions, like heart disease and diabetes. Eating a clean diet becomes even more important now because it may be able to help you maintain a healthy weight.
  • Declining sexual health. People with spinal cord injuries may also have trouble engaging in sexual activity. Men may have trouble getting an erection while women may notice changes in lubrication.
  • Depression. People who have spinal cord injuries suffer many physical effects and have trouble completing tasks that once came so easy. They may not be able to participate in sports, go out dancing or take long walks. All of these changes can make some people feel hopeless and depressed. They might isolate themselves from their family members and friends and wallow in sorrow. Spinal cord injury victims may benefit from speaking to a mental health therapist.

Common Myths About Spinal Cord Injuries

Spinal cord injuries are one of the most serious injuries a person can endure during an accident. However, there are still many untruths about these injuries. Here are some common myths about spinal cord injuries that you should not believe.

  • If you suffer a spinal cord injury, you will never move again. A spinal cord injury definitely is not something you should take lightly. However, if you suffer a spinal cord injury, it does not necessarily mean that you will never move again. Not all spinal cord injuries are the same. Some are more severe than others. If you seek medical treatment promptly, you have a better chance of a successful recovery.
  • Treatment for a spinal cord injury ends once you leave the hospital. This could not be further from the truth. As mentioned above, a spinal cord injury is a very serious injury and often requires a long recovery period. After you’re released from the hospital, you will most likely have to go to rehabilitation for a while. The costs of rehabilitation can add up quickly, so it is important to talk to a spinal cord injury lawyer in Cleveland, OH about filing a personal injury claim.
  • A spinal cord injury will prevent you from working again. Many people worry that they will never be able to hold a job after suffering a spinal cord injury. Fortunately, this is not true. While you will need ample time to recover, you may be able to work again in the future. However, depending on the severity of your injury, you may need to switch career paths.
  • The majority of spinal cord injuries result from sports. Although spinal cord injuries can occur during sports accidents, they are actually more rare. It is more common for people to suffer spinal cord injuries from car accidents, falls and violent acts.
  • Your ability to recover from a spinal cord injury depends on your age. Some people assume that the elderly are less likely to recover from a spinal cord injury than their younger counterparts. However, your age has little to do with how you recover from this injury. There are other factors that may determine how well you progress, such as the severity of your injury, social support and medical care you receive.

What is a Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer

No one knows what the future holds. You could go about your day-to-day life without a care in the world, and then suddenly find yourself in need of a spinal cord injury lawyer in Cleveland, OH. If you’re like most people, the idea of hiring a lawyer is daunting. But it’s important to remember that there are different types of lawyers, each with its own area of specialty. One such type of lawyer is a spinal cord injury lawyer in Cleveland, OH.

A spinal cord injury lawyer is a highly specialized attorney who handles cases involving injuries to the spine and brain. If you have been injured in an accident, contact a spinal cord injury lawyer in Cleveland, OH as soon as possible so that they can start building your case. Spinal cord injury lawyers are knowledgeable about all aspects of law including personal injury law, medical malpractice law, insurance law, and more. They will use this knowledge to help you get the compensation that you need for your injuries.

Mishkind Kulwicki Law Co., L.P.A. is an experienced law firm that has helped many people like you get the compensation they deserve for their injuries and losses after being involved in a car accident. We can help with your case, too!

We know how to navigate the legal system and fight for your rights as a victim of negligence or recklessness on the part of another party involved in an auto accident or trucking collision. Our team has extensive knowledge about spinal cord injury cases and will work tirelessly to ensure that you receive every penny that you are entitled to under Ohio state law if someone else caused your injuries through no fault of your own.

You don’t have time to worry about whether or not you’ll be able to pay all of your medical bills, make up for lost wages, cover childcare expenses, or while caring for yourself at home. We understand this because we’ve been there too! That’s why our spinal cord injury lawyers in Cleveland, OH are here 24/7/365 so that when life throws something unexpected at you – whether it’s a car crash or any other type of serious injury – we’ll be ready with answers and solutions when you need them most! Contact Mishkind Kulwicki Law Co., L.P.A today!

Why you Need Mishkind Kulwicki Law Co., L.P.A. as your Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer in Cleveland, OH

We know how hard it is to deal with the aftermath of a serious car accident. It’s not just about the physical pain that comes from your injuries; it’s also about dealing with all of the stress involved in getting back on your feet after an injury like this. 

Mishkind Kulwicki Law Co., L.P.A.’s team of experienced attorneys have decades of combined experience helping those who have been injured in car accidents get the compensation they deserve! We will fight to make sure that your case is handled with care and diligence so that we can help you recover as much as possible from your injuries and damages! 

Let us help you get through this difficult time by handling everything for you, including working directly with insurance companies, filing lawsuits when needed and making sure that your rights as a victim of negligence are protected at every step along the way. Our Cleveland spinal cord injury lawyers will work tirelessly to make sure that we maximize any compensation package so that our clients receive fair compensation for their suffering and losses.

You could be entitled to receive compensation for medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, or emotional distress. Don’t let another day go by without contacting our office immediately! Let us put our decades of experience to work for you today!

One of the most serious injuries is anything that damages the spinal cord. This can be a catastrophic, devastating injury for the person involved. It is crucial to seek immediate medical attention if you have a spinal cord injury, then shortly after contact an experienced spinal cord injury lawyer in Cleveland Ohio, like one from Mishkind Kulwicki Law Co, LPA, as soon as possible. We can go over what happened, determine if negligence was a factor in your injury, and help you figure out whether you have a case. 

Some Common Ways People’s Spinal Cords Are Injured in Accidents

There are many different things that can cause a spinal cord injury. As long as you can prove that negligence occurred in one way or another, you may be able to get compensation from the at-fault party. Some of the most common causes of spinal cord injuries include: 

  • Falls from great distances. This could be on a construction site, at a tourist destination, or many other places. If your injury happened on someone’s personal or public property, you may be entitled to compensation if it was not labeled well to keep people safe. If you were injured on a construction site, you may be entitled to compensation if there were unsafe working conditions. This would include lost wages due to missed work, and even future lost wages. 
  • Car accidents. Car accidents are a major part of many different types of personal injury law. Unfortunately, even if you are a very safe driver, others on the road may not be. If you are involved in a bad car or truck accident and suffer a spinal cord injury after, you may be entitled to compensation. 
  • Medical malpractice. Sadly, doctors are not perfect, which means they can make mistakes while you are under their care. If this happens and causes bad injuries, you should be compensated for this. If a doctor injures your spinal cord, you should have a major case against them. The spinal cord is an important part of your body to keep everything running smoothly. As it is a catastrophic injury, you need to make sure you get fair compensation for this. You also want to hold the at-fault party accountable so that this does not happen to anyone again. 

No matter how you were injured, if you were hurt because of someone else’s negligent actions or inaction, you may have a case. 

How Do I Prove Negligence?

Defendants are negligent when they should have reasonably known that their actions could foreseeably cause harm to others. Negligence is proven when you show that the defendant owed you a duty; the defendant breached that duty; that breach resulted in the accident and; you sustained actual damages. For example, suppose a doctor is performing spinal surgery on you. That doctor owes you a duty of care. Now suppose that the doctor comes to work drunk. That doctor is breaching a duty of care because drunkenness delays reactions and impairs sound decision making. Thus, the doctor hits a nerve. This injury results in you losing the ability to move your lower body. In this case, you can clearly prove that negligence occurred.

What is Contributory Negligence?

Ohio is a contributory negligence state. According to Ohio’s law regarding negligence, if you are more than 50% at fault for your injuries, you are barred from seeking recovery. If you are less than 50% at fault but still played a role in your injuries, then your recovery award amount is reduced by your percentage of fault. For example, if a court awards you $25,000 for your injuries, but the judge finds that you’re 30% liable for the incident that occured, the defendant will only have to pay $17,500. You’re responsible for the other $7500.

There are a plethora of reasons as to how and why you may have contributed to the accident, but this is something that your spinal injury lawyer should investigate, uncover, and discuss. This is not an assumption you should make on your own, and it’s not an assumption you should volunteer to opposing counsel, police, medical staff, etc. One major reason for letting your lawyer decide whether you played a role in your injury is that you may overestimate how much you contributed to the accident; you may think you did something wrong when you didn’t; or you may provide opposing counsel with evidence that they didn’t have. Statements you make against your self-interest are admissible to be used against you.

Can I Recover From Workers’ Compensation?

If your spinal cord injury is a result of a work-related injury, your first thought may be whether you can get workers’ compensation. Workers’ compensation is not automatic, and it only applies if certain conditions are true. For one, your employer must purchase workers’ compensation insurance. That’s not, it’s optionable, and not every employer buys it. Two, you must be an employee. That means that you can’t benefit from this insurance if you’re an independent contractor, seasonal worker, volunteer, hired from a temp agency, or a household worker who makes less than $160 per quarter. Three, your injury must have taken place during job hours or at the worksite. 

Whether an intern is an employee for legal purposes depends on several factors, which are best covered when you speak to one of our knowledgeable spinal cord injury lawyers in Cleveland, OH from Mishkind Kulwicki Law Firm co., L.P.A

Contact a Lawyer Today

You need to reach out to a spinal cord injury lawyer in Cleveland, OH from Mishkind Kulwicki Law Co, LPA right away so that you do not miss the statute of limitations for filing. The sooner you reach out, the more likely you will be able to gather evidence from the scene and get compensation for your case.