Cryosurgery Ablation for Prostate Cancer Results in Perirectal Abscess

Settlement Amount: $300,000.00
Settlement Date: 9/1997
Attorney: Howard D. Mishkind

Description of Case: 58-year-old male with history of adenocarcinoma which was detected by elevated PSA and an abnormal rectal examination. Consulted with defendant urologist regarding definitive treatment for his cancer after being started on Flutamide and Lupron.
Prior to having cryoablation of the prostate performed, patient underwent lymph node dissection to determine if there was any metastasis. Despite laparoscopic evidence that revealed metastatic disease in two out of our lymph nodes (thus staging patient’s cancer at D-1), defendant doctor performed cryoablation of the prostate. One week after surgery, the patient developed severe sepsis and was found to have a rectal fistula.
Plaintiff developed multiple complications requiring the insertion of a suprapubic catheter.
Maximum recovery under Ohio Insurance Guaranty Fund due to failure of Doctor’s insurance company.

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