
March 2016

The Effects of Serious Injury on a Spouse-Caregiver

By |2022-02-17T23:25:14+00:00March 11th, 2016|Serious Injury|

Catastrophic Injury Lawyer in Cleveland, OH Serious injury as a result of medical negligence or a car accident takes a significant toll on a spouse-caregiver or family members who are responsible for day-to-day care of the injured person. The struggle that family members go through can lead to depression, anxiety, divorce and estrangement between family [...]

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Delayed Diagnosis of Urinary Cancer

By |2019-04-24T18:00:08+00:00March 8th, 2016|Cancer|

Prompt diagnosis of cancer, such as urinary cancer, is critical to optimizing the outcome. As cancer grows, the likelihood of spread, or metastasis, increases. Once cancer spreads from an early treatable stage to an advanced stage, the likelihood of cure diminishes. Depending on the type of cancer, an advanced stage may markedly reduce the chance [...]

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Delayed Diagnosis of Heart Attacks in the ER

By |2019-04-24T18:00:08+00:00March 8th, 2016|Heart Attack|

Diagnosis of heart attacks in the Emergency Room has been made easier by a study recently published by the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP). The study recommends following an algorithm to rule in or rule out a heart attack within one hour of a patient arriving at the ER with symptoms or signs that [...]

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Hospital Negligence and Patient Restraints

By |2016-06-08T18:51:02+00:00March 4th, 2016|Hospital Negligence|

Patient restraints have been implicated in a number of hospital negligence cases. Restraints can be physical, like lashing a patient to their bed. There are also medical restraints, where a patient is medicated to the point where they cannot leave their bed. Restraints are used to control patients in hospitals and nursing homes who are [...]

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Medical Negligence at Hospital Discharge

By |2019-12-05T03:36:57+00:00March 2nd, 2016|Medical Malpractice|

A fellow medical negligence attorney from outside Ohio recently introduced me to the U.S. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality’s (AHQR) Patient Safety Primers. These analytical pieces deal with a variety of healthcare topics. The first one that I read, “Adverse Events After Hospital Discharge,” contains some interesting information that I would like to share. [...]

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Anger Leads to Motor Vehicle Accidents

By |2020-01-21T20:57:48+00:00March 2nd, 2016|Car Accident|

Motor vehicle accidents occur for a variety of reasons – drunk driving, texting and driving, fatigue, etc. -- but you may not guess one factor that carries a high risk of causing a car crash. A recent study by the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute found that “emotional driving,” i.e., driving while angry or upset, increases [...]

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February 2016

Ohio Motor Vehicle Accidents and Excessive Speed

By |2020-01-21T21:01:04+00:00February 5th, 2016|Car Accident|

Car Accident Lawyer Cleveland, OH Motor vehicle accidents and traffic fatalities are increasing in Ohio, despite efforts to crack down on drunk driving and texting. The Cleveland Plain Dealer is reporting today on another factor that increases the risk of a serious car accident: excessive speed. On average, there are approximately 1,000 tickets written each [...]

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January 2016

Electrical Injuries in Ohio

By |2019-04-24T18:00:07+00:00January 25th, 2016|General Negligence|

Electrical injuries pose unique challenges for Ohio accident lawyers. When I first started handling these cases about twenty years ago, the term “electrocution” was reserved for instances when an individual died as a result of being exposed to electrical current. However, the term was frequently misused to refer to any electrical injury. In fact, the [...]

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What is Rheumatoid Arthritis and is it Treatable?

By |2019-03-18T22:01:56+00:00January 25th, 2016|FAQS|

As a medical negligence attorney, I am often consulted about various medical conditions and recently the topic of Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) came up. What is RA and how does it differ from other forms of arthritis? What type of doctor do I need to see if I suspect that I have RA or have a [...]

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Antibiotics and Medical Negligence

By |2019-12-05T03:36:19+00:00January 20th, 2016|Medical Malpractice|

Medical negligence often occurs as a result of omissions, such as failure to order appropriate tests leading to a misdiagnosis. Other claims arise as a result of affirmative acts of negligence, such as ordering the wrong treatment after the correct diagnosis is made. One of the most frightening examples of the latter is when a [...]

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