Shoulder Injury Related to Vaccine Administration or (SIRVA ) is an adverse event thought to be related to the technique used to access the muscle by using a needle to puncture the skin. We all know that pain is a common side effect of receiving a vaccine, like the flu shot or tetanus shot; but, in some cases, the pain lasts long after the injection. In those severe cases, known as Shoulder Injury Related to Vaccine Administration (SIRVA), vaccination can lead to intense, prolonged pain, limited range of motion, and other shoulder-related injuries.

What Causes SIRVA?

SIRVA is caused by an injury to the musculoskeletal structures of the shoulders (for example: tendons, ligaments, bursa) due to the injection of a vaccine. The most common cases of SIRVA occur in patients who received a seasonal flu shot because the vaccine is given in the deltoid muscle of the arm. Symptoms typically occur in the days and weeks after a patient has received a shot. It’s important to note that SIRVA is caused by the injection itself, and while the risk of injury exists, it is rare. It is important to know that vaccines that are not injected into the muscle such as oral polio and rotavirus and subcutaneous injections are not considered SIRVA claims.

Symptoms of SIRVA

Severe shoulder pain is the most common symptom of SIRVA. Most people complain of persistent, intense shoulder pain and limited range of motion, but those are not the only injuries. Shoulder tendonitis, shoulder bursitis and adhesive capsulitis have also been reported to occur after a vaccination.

Treatment of SIRVA

In most cases, symptoms can be treated with pain medication and physical therapy to alleviate inflammation and improve range of motion. While therapy can help, many patients continue to experience pain, even after treatment. In more severe cases, surgery may even be necessary to repair damage done to the shoulder’s ligaments and tendons.

What to Do if you have a Shoulder Injury after a Vaccination

Howard Mishkind is licensed in the United States Court of Federal Claims and has handled various vaccine injury and death claims since 1990. The process of pursuing a claim is much different than filing a lawsuit against a doctor or hospital. Changes have recently been proposed to the Vaccine Injury Table and we would be happy to discuss whether your vaccine injury may qualify you for compensation. There are no legal costs for an injured patient represented by our firm. At the end of your case, our fees are paid separately by the federal court. You receive 100% of the amount awarded. The Court pays our legal fees, not our clients. To find out if you might qualify for an award and to learn what the requirements are call or visit our website for further information.

People interested in learning more about our firm’s legal services, including medical malpractice in Ohio, may ask questions or send us information about a particular case by phone or email. There is no charge for contacting us regarding your inquiry. A member of our medical-legal team will respond within 24 hours.