Dealing with pregnancy comes with its pros and cons, but when you’re in an accident, it can become a much more stressful experience. As a truck accident lawyer  from a firm like Pioletti Pioletti & Nichols can explain, car and truck accidents are hard enough to deal with, and when you’re an expecting mother, you might have some added worries. The following are a few things you can do to handle the accident.

Seek Medical Attention

The first phone call you need to make is to the local authorities. You need to report that an accident has taken place, but you also need to seek medical assistance. When a paramedic shows up at the scene, it’s important that you ask for help immediately. If it’s not obvious that you’re pregnant, you need to inform the paramedic that you are so you receive the appropriate care and tests.

After working with the paramedic, you’ll probably need to take a trip to the hospital. If the paramedic recommends you ride in the ambulance, you should probably listen. After your examination, you will probably want to contact your OB/GYN for a follow-up appointment.

Contact Your Insurance Company

Regardless of whose fault the accident was, you should contact your insurance company to report the accident. Depending on fault and the insurance coverage of the other driver, it’s possible you will need to use your uninsured motorist or another type of coverage. You can also contact the other driver’s insurance company to inform them of the intent to file a claim in the near future.

Speak With Your Attorney

There could be a series of legal issues you’ll have to deal with following your accident. It’s important that you have someone on your side so you have the best chance of gaining the compensation you deserve. If the accident incited complications with the pregnancy, you could be compensated for those additional medical bills. If the accident put you into preterm labor, you might be compensated for those bills as well. There are also lost wages, property damages, emotional harm and a series of other damages you might want to seek. With an attorney by your side, you could have more success.

Get the Help You Need Today

You need to take extra care of yourself and your baby when you are pregnant. If you’re in a car accident, medical care is most important, but dealing with the insurance company and any lawsuits come in close second. To get the help you need, contact a car accident lawyer today.