Serious Personal Injuries

If you were injured at work, you deserve to receive compensation. You’ll be facing serious medical bills, but you won’t be able to clock in for work to collect paychecks and pay everything off. Fortunately, workers’ compensation can cover the cost of your medical care, and the cost of your time away from the job.

Unfortunately, workers’ comp isn’t an easy game. As a workers compensation lawyer like our friends at Rispoli & Borneo P.C. can explain, you can expect a mountain of paperwork, and several different hoops to jump through before you see a single cent.

Contrary to popular belief, workers’ compensation is not free money. You’ll find yourself working just as hard to get the money you need to stay afloat – unless you get in touch with a good lawyer. Read on to learn more about what a workers’ comp lawyer can do for you, and see why you need to have a legal team you can trust.

Do You Want to Pay Out of Pocket for Your Injuries?

This is a hard no. If you were injured on the job, chances are it wasn’t even your fault. You could have tripped on an improperly-stored cable, or slipped on spilled coffee in the breakroom. In other instances, such as in warehouses or factories, your injuries may be even more severe. You shouldn’t have to pay for your own medical care after an injury at work. And that’s exactly what workers’ compensation is for.

Why Should I File for Workers’ Compensation?

Workers’ compensation is an important lifeline that can keep you afloat during your recovery. It can cover the cost of your medical care, and it can cover some of the wages you lose as a result of not being able to clock in for work as usual. Workers’ compensation is a safety net designed to keep you out of financial hardship if you were hurt on the job, but some employers are a little unethical when it comes to your claim.

When Should I Pursue Legal Action Against My Employer?

If an employer is obstructing your workers’ compensation claim, or is trying to discourage you from filing a claim in the first place, that’s a major red flag. You have a right to compensation if you were hurt on the job, and if your employer is trying to get out of paying you what you’re owed, chances are they’re hiding a safety violation that could lead to a serious lawsuit. In this case, you may want to consider suing for gross negligence, rather than pursuing a workers’ comp claim.

What Does a Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Do?

Workers’ compensation is difficult to navigate alone. There’s tons of paperwork, and you’ll need to go back and forth between your doctor and your employer to ensure you’re paid enough, on time, and regularly until you’re able to come back to work. They’re a valuable ally to have during your recovery, and their services may help ease your stress while you’re trying to focus on getting better.

What Should I Look for in a Workers’ Compensation Lawyer?

Not all workers’ compensation lawyers are created equal. Some only offer cookie-cutter solutions, even though every case is different. And some are only in it for the money, treating their clients like paychecks. Fortunately, with a little digging, you can easily find local workers’ compensation lawyers who can help you get the compensation you need.

Do some research on what workers compensation lawyers in your area are the most highly rated, and reach out for a free consultation.