Injuries Caused By Greed, Incompetence

Injuries Caused By Greed, Incompetence

A doctor who operates on the patient’s wrong leg and claims he did her a favor?  A major hospital chain that hires runners to bring homeless patients in for unnecessary procedures? You wouldn’t believe it if it wasn’t true.  Unfortunately, these stories and many similar tales of greed and incompetence can be read right here:  Here at the Mishkind Kulwicki Law, we take great pride in combating unsafe practices that lead to unnecessary injury and death.

For consumers, the safety of products and services is almost assumed.  In our busy world, we have to rely on others to take steps to do their jobs right.  We rely on other drivers to heed traffic signals and drive without the distraction of text messaging.  We rely on employers to hire competent, trustworthy workers when safety is at issue.  We rely on hospitals and physicians to care for sick and vulnerable patients properly by performing necessary tests, communicating key information and coordinating care.  However, too often, businesses and individuals cut corners out of laziness or incompetence or to save a few a dollars.

This website sheds some light on the horrors of greed and incompetence.  Here, you will find stories about sexual predators who are put into positions of trust and authority.  You see healthcare providers that are willing to take chances with your health in order to bolster profits.  And, of course, we know all to well about politicians who will sell there souls for campaign contributions and, in turn, fight regulations that protect people in order to maximize contributors’ profits.

While we cannot bring every one of these deviants to justice, we can hold many of them accountable when their unconscionable conduct causes injury to you or a loved one.  Studies have shown that the civil justice system provides some balance in this equation, by compensating many victims and by discouraging harmful behavior.  This website helps shed light on the extent of the problem.

People interested in learning more about our firm’s legal services, including medical malpractice in Ohio, may ask questions or send us information about a particular case by phone or email. There is no charge for contacting us regarding your inquiry. A member of our medical-legal team will respond within 24 hours.

By |2019-03-18T22:02:56+00:00October 10th, 2012|Patient Safety|Comments Off on Injuries Caused By Greed, Incompetence

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