Catastrophic Personal Injury Lawyer Cleveland OH

Catastrophic Personal Injury Lawyer Cleveland OHWhen you purchase something at the store or online, you have a reasonable expectation that it will perform as intended. Similarly, business owners have such expectations when they purchase equipment for use by their workers, and patients have such expectations when they pick up prescriptions. Unfortunately, while these expectations may be reasonable, they are not always well-founded. All too often, defective products, medications, and even food cause consumers and workers injuries. At times, these injuries may be catastrophic or even deadly.

If you have recently been harmed by a defective product, it’s important to understand that you’re not alone. Others have suffered in the ways you’re suffering now. And thankfully, the American legal system has mechanisms in place to help victims like you, and all of the others who have suffered injuries as a result of defective products, hold those responsible for that suffering accountable for their negligence. Please consider scheduling a consultation today with a catastrophic injury lawyer Cleveland, OH residents trust. In connecting with the team at Mishkind Kulwicki Law Co., L.P.A., you’ll be able to protect your rights and explore your legal options in the wake of your accident. A confidential consultation won’t commit you to legal action but it will better ensure that in the event you do want to pursue legal action, your bases are covered and you have professionals that you can trust advocating on your behalf.

Why Many Defective Product Accident Victims Are Entitled to Compensation

When a manufacturer creates a product, it owes a certain duty to consumers. This isn’t to say that dangerous products can’t be legally manufactured; they are every day. The real question becomes, did the product work as intended? For example, when a pressure cooker explodes, even though the home chef followed directions to the letter, the resulting injury is likely not the chef’s fault but the manufacturer’s. When a product, drug, or other tangible item purchased for a specific use fails to perform as intended and someone is hurt as a result of that defect, the law generally allows the individual who has suffered harm to hold those responsible accountable for that harm. That’s partially why consulting with a Cleveland, OH catastrophic personal injury lawyer is a wise decision if you’ve been harmed by a defective product.

Damages from Personal Injury Cases

Our Cleveland OH catastrophic personal injury lawyer shares that an injury can impact you in ways you could never imagine and even for the long term. Damages can be significant and also crushing. Financial losses can leave you unsure of how you will make ends meet. Having a legal professional in your corner can assist you in making sure that you can take action and walk away with compensation that allows you to recover in the way you deserve. Common damages victims may suffer include:

  • Physical injuries:
    • Brain Injury
    • Spinal Cord Injury
    • Soft Tissue Damage
    • Broken Bones
    • Internal Injuries
  • Medical Expenses
  • Lost Wages
  • Pain and Suffering
  • Miscellaneous Expenses

Our Cleveland OH catastrophic personal injury lawyer has seen clients experience damages that are earth-shattering. Having a lawyer represent you can ensure that your rights are kept at the forefront and that you can obtain the compensation you are entitled to. Get started today with Mishkind Kulwicki Law Firm CO., L.P.A. now. 

Gathering Evidence

Crucial evidence in support of your claim is needed to ensure that you are able to obtain as much as possible for your damages. Our catastrophic injury lawyer in Cleveland OH can assist in gathering the necessary evidence and using it to build a strong case against the party responsible. Your lawyer may ask you for:

  • Medical Documentation
  • Photographs and Videos
  • Proof of Missed Time Away from Work
  • Accident Reports
  • Eyewitness Accounts

Losses from a catastrophic personal injury are sure to be significant; our Cleveland OH lawyer can help to calculate not only the value of your case but also gather crucial evidence to support your claim. 

Legal Assistance Is Available

You may not be sure whether you can sue the manufacturer of the product that harmed you or any other party that may be responsible for the suffering you’re enduring. That’s okay. The legal heavy lifting is our job. Connect with an experienced Cleveland, OH catastrophic personal injury lawyer at our firm today so that we can help you make informed decisions about your legal options. Once you’ve done so, we’ll provide the guidance and support you need so that you can focus on your recovery. Again, meeting with a Cleveland, Ohio catastrophic personal injury lawyer doesn’t obligate you to take legal action, but it will help to ensure that your rights are protected while you weigh your options. We look forward to speaking with you. 

Mishkind Kulwicki Law Firm CO., L.P.A. 

When searching for an experienced catastrophic personal injury lawyer in Cleveland OH, you will find that after conducting the necessary research, you will be compelled to reach out to our legal team. At Mishkind Kulwicki Law Firm CO., L.P.A., we are passionate about helping our clients work through the incredible challenge of experiencing a catastrophic personal injury. From our team, you can expect:

  • A lawyer who will stand by your side and keep your interests at the forefront
  • Experienced professionals who know how to anticipate the unexpected
  • Lawyers who know that you are experiencing several stressors and are prepared to help you work through them
  • Help in understanding the legal process every step of the way
  • Professionals who are available to provide you with timely updates and guidance as your case evolves

You deserve to have our Cleveland, Ohio catastrophic personal injury lawyer take the lead in your case. Call our office today to get started. 

At Mishkind Kulwicki Law Firm Co., L.P.A., we know that your accident was unexpected. When another party can be held responsible, you deserve to retain compensation for the losses that you may be facing. When it comes to experiencing an accident, nothing can prepare you for the days, weeks, and even months ahead. We can assist you by guiding you through this incredibly challenging experience. To schedule an appointment with our Cleveland Ohio catastrophic personal injury lawyer, contact our team today. 

Different Types Of Injuries In Catastrophic Injuries

Catastrophic injuries significantly alter the lives of individuals and their families, plunging them into challenging situations that often require lifelong adjustments. These injuries go beyond the usual scope of harm, presenting unique legal, medical, and financial complexities. Understanding the varied nature of these severe injuries is crucial for anyone seeking justice and compensation. As with any injury case, it is important to seek assistance from a Cleveland, OH catastrophic personal injury lawyer as soon as you are able, to ensure you get the compensation you deserve. The lawyers at Mishkind Kulwicki Law Co., L.P.A. know how to handle cases like this, no matter how complicated. 

Traumatic Brain Injuries

A traumatic brain injury (TBI) occurs when a sudden trauma causes damage to the brain. This can result from a direct blow to the head, violent shaking, or a penetrating injury. TBIs can lead to a wide range of short- or long-term issues affecting cognitive functions, sensory processing, and emotional regulation. The impact on an individual’s quality of life can be profound, affecting their ability to work, engage in social relationships, and perform daily activities. It is crucial that a lawyer looks to determine what kind of medical treatments will be necessary moving forward so that you are not stuck paying all of the medical bills for this injury. 

Spinal Cord Injuries And Paralysis

Injuries to the spinal cord can result in partial or complete paralysis, significantly altering an individual’s lifestyle and necessitating extensive medical care, rehabilitation, and assistance. These injuries often stem from accidents where the spinal cord is bruised or severed, disrupting communication between the brain and the body. The level and severity of paralysis depend on the injury’s location along the spinal cord, with higher injuries leading to more widespread paralysis.

Severe Burns

Severe burns not only cause tremendous pain but also carry the risk of infections, long-term physical disfigurement, and emotional trauma. These injuries can result from various incidents, including fires, chemical exposures, and electrical accidents. The path to recovery can be long, requiring multiple surgeries, skin grafts, and specialized rehabilitation services to manage pain, regain mobility, and address cosmetic concerns.


The loss of a limb or extremity profoundly impacts a person’s life, affecting their ability to perform basic tasks, maintain employment, and engage in previous hobbies or activities. Amputations may be surgical or traumatic, necessitating a period of physical and psychological adjustment. Advances in prosthetics offer some hope for regaining independence, but the journey is often challenging and costly. A Cleveland catastrophic personal injury lawyer will know how to go over this to have the best outcome. 

Multiple Fractures

Accidents resulting in multiple fractures can lead to complex medical situations requiring prolonged treatment, including surgeries, immobilization, and physical therapy. The recovery process is often lengthy and painful, with a significant impact on mobility and daily functioning. The risk of complications, such as infections or non-union of bones, adds to the challenge of recovery.

Vision And Hearing Loss

Injuries resulting in loss of vision or hearing significantly alter how individuals interact with the world around them. Adapting to these changes requires considerable resources, including specialized training and equipment, which can be both expensive and emotionally taxing.

Catastrophic Personal Injury Infographic

Signs Of Abuse And Neglect Infographic

Cleveland Catastrophic Personal Injury FAQs

At Mishkind Kulwicki Law Co., L.P.A., we understand the significant impact that catastrophic injuries can have on individuals and their families. Our firm is committed to providing compassionate support and dedicated legal representation to clients in Cleveland and beyond who have suffered catastrophic personal injuries. Below, our Cleveland, OH catastrophic personal injury lawyer addresses some common questions individuals may have when considering legal assistance after such an injury.

What Evidence Is Needed To Support A Catastrophic Injury Claim?

To support a catastrophic injury claim, it’s essential to gather comprehensive evidence that demonstrates the severity and extent of the injury, as well as its impact on the victim’s life. This may include medical records, diagnostic imaging results, expert opinions, witness statements, and documentation of the victim’s pain and suffering. Our team can help you collect and present the necessary evidence to build a strong case for compensation. However, any documentation that you can collect along the way can be a huge help to your case.

What If The Insurance Company Denies My Catastrophic Injury Claim?

If the insurance company denies your catastrophic injury claim, it’s crucial not to give up hope. Our experienced Cleveland catastrophic personal injury lawyer can review the denial, identify any weaknesses in the insurer’s decision, and help you appeal the denial or pursue other avenues for compensation. We will advocate vigorously for your rights and work tirelessly to ensure that you receive the full and fair compensation you deserve.

What If The Negligent Party Claims The Injury Was Not Severe?

In some cases, the negligent party may attempt to downplay the severity of the injury or argue that it was not as severe as claimed. Our attorneys have the experience and resources to counter such arguments effectively. We can gather compelling evidence, such as medical records, expert testimony, and witness statements, to demonstrate the true extent of the injury and its impact on your life. It may be stressful to hear the other party claim that your injury was not as bad as it actually was, but a lawyer will help prove otherwise.

Can I Sue For Punitive Damages In A Catastrophic Injury Case?

In certain catastrophic injury cases, punitive damages may be available as a means of punishing the negligent party for their egregious conduct and deterring similar behavior in the future. Our skilled attorneys can assess the circumstances of your case and determine whether punitive damages may be appropriate. We will pursue all available avenues for compensation to ensure that you receive justice for your injuries.

What Should I Do If A Loved One Suffers A Catastrophic Injury Or Wrongful Death?

If a loved one suffers a catastrophic injury or wrongful death, it’s essential to seek legal guidance promptly. Our compassionate attorneys can provide support and guidance during this difficult time, helping you understand your rights and options for seeking compensation. We will handle all aspects of your case with care and compassion, allowing you to focus on your loved one’s recovery and well-being. Your loved one does not need to be able to reach out, you can reach out at any time to get representation on their behalf.

If you or a loved one has suffered a catastrophic injury, don’t hesitate to contact Mishkind Kulwicki Law Co., L.P.A. for a consultation with an OH catastrophic personal injury lawyer. Let us help you pursue justice and fair compensation for your injuries.

Contact Us Today

For anyone navigating the aftermath of a catastrophic injury, seeking skilled legal representation is crucial. A knowledgeable Cleveland catastrophic personal injury lawyer can provide invaluable assistance, ensuring that victims receive the full compensation they deserve for their injuries, lost wages, medical expenses, and pain and suffering. Beyond financial recovery, legal support offers a pathway to justice, holding responsible parties accountable for their actions or negligence.

If you or a loved one has suffered a catastrophic injury, do not hesitate to reach out for help. Securing expert legal guidance is the first step toward reclaiming control over your life and future. Reach out to Mishkind Kulwicki Law Co., L.P.A. today to set up a consultation. We will be happy to go over the details of your case to see what the next step forward should be.